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Catalyzing Self-Aware Leaders

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Better than Pain Relief

Two weeks before my wedding day, I woke up with the nerves in my mouth all firing at once. Doctors called it burning mouth syndrome, related to fibromyalgia, and told me there was nothing I could do for it. It was the worst pain of my life (even compared to childbirth). A year and a…

2 Things: Ask for Help, Laugh

I dare you. Because these might be two of the most difficult things to do. And because they are two of the most beneficial practices for learning how to be human. In my last post, I shared how I’ve been in a season of wanting to embrace my humanity. I want to be able to…

Have you felt your humanity today?

My eighteen-month-old daughter has been practicing singing her “ABC”s. One night at dinner she was going through all of them: “Q,R,S…W,X,Y and Z.” Her dad said to her, “Don’t forget the T,U,V!” In response she buried her face in her hands, sighing a shameful “arrrggg.” We laughed so hard after that. Her shame was nothing…

Why would you thank God for pain?

My family has been listening to a deeply theological and winsome song all year that goes like this: I don’t want to act too high and mightyCause tomorrow I may fall down on my face.Lord I thank you for sunshine, Thank you for rain,Thank you for joy, Thank you for pain,It’s a beautiful day, it’s…

Are your prayers anxiety-driven?

The Bible says to “cast all your anxiety on Jesus because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). But do you ever pray and find yourself more anxious? Often my prayers go something like this: Please, please God make my daughter take her nap. Please, please God don’t let those mosquitos get me today. Please,…

I carry you in my body

The cord was cutbut I still carry you.I carry you in my body.When you cry, my stomach turns.When you’re hungry, my breasts alert me.When you’re in pain, my muscles tense.When you laugh, I exhale.I carry you in my body.I love carrying youI will always carry you. Sometimes my brain tells meto stop carrying you.Your independence…

Lessons in Rejection from Vocational Ministry

One part of my job is to raise funds for the ministry by gathering a team of ministry partners. I also coach other staff to reach their funding goals. One of the key leadership lessons that comes alongside this kind of work is knowing how to respond well to rejection. I am grateful these lessons…

Who’s Cheering You On?

I can’t stop thinking about the experience of pushing my daughter out of me. It may have been one of the most enjoyable moments of my life. I know that is not everyone’s experience. Birth stories can come with a lot of heartache and pain. I hold that tenderly with you. When I labored with…

Mama’s Here: A poem for Julia

Parenting has us on a steep learning curve. When Mike and I came home from the hospital we didn’t know how to buckle the straps on the car seat, open the diaper pail, or where to set Julia down. Most of the time I have no clue what I am doing. But the one thing…